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Heavenly Jerusalem
Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, our yearnings and hopes were strengthened throughout our exile, by thinking and dreaming of Jerusalem.לשנה הבאה בירושלים - Next Year in...
House in Nachlaot
What a marvelous feeling it is to walk around in Nachlaot, Jerusalem, where old and new mingle within the narrow streets. Charm and flowers is what stands out everywhere, and...
If A Wall Could Talk
Screaming headlines, one on top of each other, all vying for your attention. Some seem to be very urgent based on their font size, others are too much to read....
Jerusalem Alleyway
Open the gates of righteousness! I shall enter through them, and praise Hashem. The gates and alleyways of the old city are so beautiful and charming.
Jerusalem Rooftops
Beautiful rustic colors depicting in abstract form the Jerusalem rooftops. Praise Hashem, O Jerusalem, laud your G-d, O Zion, for He has strengthened the bars of your gates, and blessed...
Jerusalem Stairs
Even a simple staircase in Jerusalem reminds you that after going down, one can go back up. Let's keep going higher and higher till we reach the heavenly Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Street
Every street in Jerusalem can can elicit the artist in you, may it be photography or just art. The holiest city in the world is truly photogenic and no matter...
Jobless in Krakow
This elderly Jew standing in a street in pre-war Lodz, Poland, has been waiting around for weeks to find a job, any job to feed his family. His lips won't...
Kasho Rav zt"l
The Kasho Rav, Reb Rafael Blum zt"l was known as a tremendous Talmid Chacham and Tzadik, he was loved and admired by his Chasidim and Talmidim.
Kever Rachel
Kever Rachel, the tomb of our matriarch Rachel, located in Beth Lechem has always been a location where to go and pray for all the troubles that befell Am Yisrael.
Learning with Children
One of the best times spent with your children is learning time, if done with passion and heart, they will remember it forever.
Morning After Prayers
After davening in the Shteeblach, a Yerushalmi loves the walk home. He'll surely inhale the delicious aroma of fresh bread and baked rolls, the whiff of freshly garden picked vegetables....
Moshav on a Hill
Israel is dotted with lovely Moshavim all over, identifiable through their red rooftops and surrounding fields or wineries. It's where city dwellers love to run to for an unwinding of...
My Zaidy zt"l
While painting my Zaidy, all my beautiful memories came back to me. His sweet voice singing the Shabbos Zemiros, to the daily walk in the Montreal lanes, stopping occassionally to...
Myrtle Leaves for Sukkos
Myrtle Leaves are one of the four kinds that has to be grouped in a bundle, to celebrate during the holiday of Sukkot. There needs to be three leaves to...
News on the Wall
That's a typical poster wall in Meah Shearim, it's where the locals read most of their news, since most of them have no Radio or Television.
Old City
I love walking those old streets towards the holy wall and feel the beauty. The renovated streets are right on top of the upper city of Jerusalem mentioned in Yosofin,...
Old Teveria
Old Teveria at the Kineret Sea. You can feel the warm breeze and take in the beauty of the sea of the Galilee.
One of a Hundred Gates
Ever seen an older Yerushalmi, and he wouldn't offer you a vort on the Parsha of the week? Seems like the wisdom of Jerusalem's young doesn't evaporate with age, rather...
Our Mothers Prayers
This pencil art, depicts 2 elderly Jewish women from pre-war Europe, coming home from Shul after prayers and sharing between themselves their latest woes and troubles.
Palm Branch for Sukkos
Details matter in Judaism. An elderly pious Jew is checking the tip of his Lulav (palm branch) to make sure that the joined leaves are not split, he wants to...
Prayer in Tzfas
The holy city of Tzfas is located in the Northern Galilee, and known for the center of Kaballah learning. In the ancient cemetery lies many of the Kaballah giants and...
Prayers in Nature
This contemporary piece was done by Acrylic finger painting. Prayer while surrounded by nature is very powerful, as we see many of our forefathers prayed in the fields.
Pupa Rebbe Zt"l
Rabbi Joseph Greenwald zt"l, (1905 - August 11 1985) the Pupa Rebbe was known as a Tzadik and great Talmid Chacham. He rebuilt Pupa Chasidus after WWII in Williamsburg, NY...