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Reb Aryeh Levine zt"l
Reb Arye zt"l was known as the Tzaddik of Yerushalayim, being the father and friend to downtrodden and forgoten. He made his job to help and encourage those in need,...
Pupa Rebbe Zt"l
Rabbi Joseph Greenwald zt"l, (1905 - August 11 1985) the Pupa Rebbe was known as a Tzadik and great Talmid Chacham. He rebuilt Pupa Chasidus after WWII in Williamsburg, NY...
Reb Avigdor Miller zt"l
My chalk pastel rendering of Reb Avigdor Miller zt"l, one of the great Torah leaders of American Jewry. A quote by Harav Miller "Learning Mussar teaches one how to live,...
The Satmar Rebbe zt"l
The Satmar Rebbe zt"l, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, was a father figure to his followers and admired throughout the world. He was known as staunchly anti-Zionist, but he loved Eretz Yisrael...
The Ribnitzer Rebbe zt"l
The Ribnitzer Rebbe zt"l, Rabbi Chaim Zanvil Abramowitz, was a tzadik who was Moser Nefesh to keep Judaism under the communist rule in Romania. His wonders and miracles are known...
Reb Shayala zt"l
Reb Shayala zt"l, the Rebbe of Kerestir was known as a Poel Yeshuos throughout pre-war Hungary. Most known of all stories was, when he told a farmer who suffered from...
Tchaba Rav zt"l
The Tchaba Rav zt"l, Reb Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler, my great grandfather, lived in Yerushalayim after the war and was known as a Poel Yeshuos and helped many Jews with his...
The Rebbe's Smile
The smile and eyes of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l was filled with Ahavas Yisrael, the love of every Jew.
Tosher Rebbe zt"l
The Toshe Rebbe, Reb Meshulem Feish zt"l, (27 Av, 5775) lived after the war in a new-found shtetl Kiryas Tosh, in Boisbriand, Canada. He inspired tens of thousands of Chasidim...
My Zaidy zt"l
While painting my Zaidy, all my beautiful memories came back to me. His sweet voice singing the Shabbos Zemiros, to the daily walk in the Montreal lanes, stopping occassionally to...
Harav Vosner zt"l
One of the greatest Poskim who lived in Israel, but his wisdom and Torah knowledge was known through out the Jewish Torah world. Came to Israel with his wife from...
Reb Itche Mayer Morgenstern
Reb Itche Mayer Morgenstern Shlita, a Tzadik and Mashpia, lives and teaches in Jerusalem. He's a great Talmid Chacham and Kabalist.
The Nikolsburg Rebbe Shlita
My Father, the Nikolsburg Rebbe Shlita is known as a Rebbe who loves every Jew and is helping thousands throughout the year, who seek guidance and advice.
Kasho Rav zt"l
The Kasho Rav, Reb Rafael Blum zt"l was known as a tremendous Talmid Chacham and Tzadik, he was loved and admired by his Chasidim and Talmidim.
Reb Elimelech Biderman Shlita
Reb Elimelech Biderman shlita, is known as an inspiring Mashpia and Rav who speaks about Emuna and ultimate trust in the almighty.
The Rebbe on President St.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shneersohn, was a true angel among men, he advanced Jewish education throughout the world, effortlessly worked every second of his life to help...