Erev Sukkot in Yerushalayim

I still remember the thrill of walking down Malchei Yisrael on Erev Sukkot, as a tourist. I felt like making my way through a maze of people and vendors, all vying for that Sukah decoration or perfect Lulav. Music blasting from many storefronts and attention-seeking announcements for specials and bargains.

I couldn't stop snapping pictures from everyone and everything, from the Kuppa Sruga boys selling Hadasim, to Yerushalmi boys selling Keishalach. Of course, until one 7-year-old Mea Shearim boy holding his 4-year-old sister's hands gave me that look... Was I scared from him? Yes... I hid my camera on the spot. I never felt that scared, even when my Rebbi in Cheder gave me that look.

Once I saw a little boy of maybe 7 years of age, selling cold soda cans and drinks, while screaming to the tourists passing by "Shtiya Kara, Rak 5 Shekel"! And he sold them all quite quickly, well, it was a very hot day. As soon as he finishes his inventory of 5 cans, he runs back into the neighboring Shul and drops in a bunch of shekels in the vending machine, get's his new shipment of 5 cans, 3 shekels a piece and runs out in the street again, "Shtiya Kara, Rak 5 Shekel"!

This year I'll be doing the same walk, joining the same hustle bustle of the crowds of Malchei Yisrael, the only difference is, that this year, I will be in everyone's albums of a local who's running around with a bunch of kids in tow searching and finding that perfect Sukkah poster, or plastic grape bunch to hang on my small Sukkah somewhere in Yerushalayim.

I never stop to thank Hashem for giving me that Zchus to make Yerushalayim my home. May you all join me soon still this year!


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