I love Tower Cranes in the Jerusalem skyline

Usually, when you look at a postcard from any nice city, you don't want to show or see tall cranes in its skyline. But when it comes to Jerusalem, or any city in the Holy Land, it should be a cause to celebrate.

Every day when I walk or drive around the city and see new buildings coming up wherever my eyes look, it swells me up with great excitement and happiness. Today, I saw a whole new beautiful town being built in Ramat Beth Shemesh Gimmel, and it felt very good.

It's simply seeing the words of our prophets, materializing before our very own eyes, that makes me excited.

And we know that the time for the ingathering of our nation from the four corners of the world has begun. We can hear the footsteps of Moshiach, by listening to those cranes moving in the Jerusalem breeze, by watching movers unpacking an overseas lift that just arrived, by listening to a mingling of languages while shopping for Shabbat.

Now when I look around this glorious city, it is crowned with these massive tall machines, doing their own dance and singing their own song of "ובנה ירושלים", although, I am not so sure about the operator who sits in the cabin.

May we see a rebuilt Jerusalem, with Hashem's glory, dwelling within its walls. Amen!

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