Twenty-three years ago, my wife, who had already been to Eretz Yisrael before, surprised me with tickets for a trip to Eretz Yisrael, and so I reluctantly agreed to travel. Ten hours into the flight, when the announcement came on board that we were landing in Ben Gurion Airport, I looked out the window and I heard my wife asking me, “Are you crying?”
It was then, still on the tarmac, that I made a mental vow that I wanted to age in Eretz Yisrael – my home.
I once heard a well-respected person speak at an event; it was a fiery speech about the merits of shalom. I was blown-away, not because of the powerful content of his speech, but because this very chashuve person was then mired in a terrible brawl within his kehilla, and while the fire of machlokes (quarrel) burned around him, he felt very comfortable expounding on the topic of shalom. “How can that be?” I wondered. I then realized that for him and, sadly, for many others, shalom is an abstract concept that does not pertain to reality.
That is when I understood that the same is true when it comes to the idea of yishuv Eretz Yisrael for many in the Diaspora, especially in the heimish community. True, they’ll daven three times a day about returning to Eretz Yisrael, say “boneh Yerushalaim,” and Mashiach will be mentioned here and there, but it will all be part of an abstract concept that one day, only when miracles will happen, will such a reality be feasible. To think of it as a current requirement – as a mitzva in our times – is too scary to think about. It’s much more convenient to seek out those gedolim who held that it’s not an obligatory mitzva in today’s day and age. People who never adhere to the Satmar way of life and don’t follow any of the Satmar Rav, zt”l’s, rulings in halacha all of a sudden find it very easy and convenient to say “the Satmar Rav, zt”l, held that it’s not a mitzva bazman hazeh (in our time)”.
What’s really happening here? According to most poskim, mitzvas yishuv (settling) Eretz Yisrael is shayach (applies) for every Jew in every time zone, and it doesn’t matter who the rulers of the Land are – the Turks, the British, or even the Zionists. The essence of the Land is not changing, and the mitzvos hateluyos ba’aretz (mitzvas contingent on the Land) are still on. As in any halachic disagreement, there are gedolim who hold all kinds of opinions, all based on their view of the halacha. One shouldn’t be dismissed as a “Zionist” because he expresses a love for the Land and believes that a Yid must do what he can to be oleh (make aliya) and live there.
After that initial trip, it took me 12 additional years of intense yearning, hoping, and praying, all while educating myself about Eretz Yisrael and filling up my hunger with as much as possible pertaining to our Holy Land. I remember complaining to my father, the Nikolsburg Rebbe, shlita, that my yearning to live in Eretz Yisrael is becoming “erger in erger” (worse and worse). He answered, don’t say worse, say “shterker in shterker” (stronger and stronger), noting the positive outlook of such yearning. Then, one memorable Shabbos afternoon, my wife announced, “Let’s do it!”
We are now approaching our seventh year in Yerushalayim. Seeing the giant cranes filling up the skyline in Eretz Yisrael is living a prophecy. Our Neviim (prophets) told us about this very moment – the rebuilding of Tzion. When I travel this remarkable and beautiful country, I see the foretold vineyards, wheat fields, and paved roads. The gemara in Bava Basra says that in the End of Days so many Yidden will live in Yerushalayim, and the way all of them will fit in the city, will be through tall buildings of 30 to 40 floors. This gemara gave me the shivers.
When I daven in a minyan that consists of Jews from Hungary, Poland, and Russia mixed with Jews from Iraq, Morocco, and Yemen, it makes my heart swell with joy, because I am seeing kibutz galuyos (ingathering of the exiles) happening right in front of my eyes. Almost seven million Jews from over 137 countries – now, that’s what I call the real cholent, the Jewish melting pot.
Thank you, Hashem!
Sharing the Dream
One sefer that left a great impact on me was Eim HaBanim Semeicha by Hagaon Rav Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal, zt”l, hy”d. Every time I would go through a few pages of the sefer, in my thoughts, I would live in Eretz Yisrael, as the Baal Shem Tov said (Kesser Shem Tov 2:12), “Where the thought of a person reaches, there he is.” It left a strong impression on my dream of living in Eretz Yisrael.
Knowing that many of my friends would love to learn the sefer but that Yiddish is easier than Lashon HaKodesh for them, I decided to translate the sefer into Yiddish and release it in parts in the form of a weekly sheet called “Bishvilei HaAretz.” It is accompanied by collections from other sefarim on the topic of Eretz Yisrael, as well as a small write-up about various locations in Eretz Yisrael.