Today, a week after Pesach and we had pouring rain...

And I Will Give Your Rain in the Land...

That is a promise from Hashem in the Torah, that he'll give enough rain to the land, so it should produce in abundance. Especially in a Shmitah year, when we see more and more farmers taking upon them the great Mitzvah of leaving their land and letting go for one solid year, the heavy rains are a Bracha indeed.

The Talmud in Brachot relates how the key of rain is solely in the hands of Hashem, and any downpour of rain is truly a blessing from his goodwill and care, especially when it comes to the land of Israel. The Torah is full of promises and blessings of timely rain to his promised land. So, no wonder when I see how Israelis embrace rain, with joy and excitement, while in the States, people dread wet weather and curl up instead. My kids learned quickly that rain is not a mood changer, but rather a fulfillment of a promise and it makes them happy.

The Talmud continues, that in Eretz Yisrael they also attributed the key to Parnassah as being in the hands of Hashem. Here we learn all about Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem for providing us and sustaining us and for our families.

As King David in Tehillim says "Shchun b'Eretz, Ureh Emunah", live in the land and graze on Emunah. Like a cow munches on grass and doesn't look around right or left, but is totally immersed in his chewing, so we have to graze and focus that all our Parnassah is provided from Hashem, and there's no need to look for other providers. Put your trust in Hashem, and he'll feed you, we don't need to give him ideas and plans how to do that, he has his ways, although we need to do something, create that vessel. The vessel is not so much in our work, but in ourselves, we have to be ready to accept and receive.

Can anyone imagine leaving one's business for a full year? Not even answering emails, phone calls or keeping in touch with suppliers or customers? That demands total trust in the one above. So, we have what to learn from our holy farmers and field owners.

"One who trusts Hashem, Chesed will surround him/ her"

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