Letter to a friend

My dear friend, I'm happy to hear that you plan a visit to Eretz Yisrael for the summer, I wish you to have a great time. Can I ask you a favor? When you step off the plane, please get on your knees and kiss the ground for me and my family, tell our holy country that I have not forgotten her and never will.

I dream of the day when I'll be able to make my residence in Eretz Hakodesh, the land of our forefathers, the land Hashem promised us as our eternal home which we have to keep and cherish forever. Even though we sinned and were exiled, we never gave up and kept on hoping for the day that Jews will return again.

Remember that when you travel around the country, seeing its past in every hill and stone, that what you see is not just past history but also our future. After walking around the streets of Yerushalayim, the shtiblach and the shops you'll understand the real meaning of a spiritual high that you'll never feel anywhere else in the world.

Fill your heart with Ahavas Yisrael for every Jew you see, from Yeshiva buchur to soldier, taxi driver and street vendor, may it be Sefardi, Ashkenazi, Litvak or Chosid. This sense of real Achdus will transform your heart to such an inspiration that will last in your heart for a very long time to come.

Don't be embarrassed to cry and daven at the Kosel, the stones that cried with us for two thousand years till this very day. For everyone will cry with you.

Oh! Don't forget to visit our old frail Mother in Beth Lechem, our mother Rachel who never gave up on her children as she waits every moment for their return. She wants to know your fears and issues, tell her everything so she can make your case in heaven. You don't have to tell her your name, just say "Mommy, I'm here!"

"Veshuvu Bonim Legvolo"

Yiddy Lebovits

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